Windows 10 Some Questions and Some Answers

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This page last updated 08/07/2015

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Automatic Updates

Note:  Automatic Updates are AUTOMATIC unless you have Win 10 PRO !

The following is an edited version that appeared on a reflector describing the update policy.
Windows 10 Automatic Updates
[Edited version - my replacements in brackets]

“… When you install Windows 10, the EULA (licensing agreement) specifies that Microsoft will automatically download and install updates, with no option to selectively delay or reject download or installation of updates. For example, you are in the middle of a[n important activity]. Microsoft decides this is a good time to download and install updates. Your computer comes to its knees !

Some updates also require that your computer be rebooted. The default in Windows 10 is to do this automatically, when Microsoft thinks it is appropriate. You can change this to "Notify to schedule restart" in the Windows 10 Update and Security Settings, Advanced Options. After you change this, it will not automatically reboot your computer, but it will nag you, in the middle of [what ever you are doing], to schedule the reboot.

Another issue is the "Windows Update Delivery Optimization". This allows Microsoft to use your computer and internet bandwidth to deliver updates to other users, anywhere in the world at any time. From the Microsoft perspective, this frees up their servers and uses your computer as their update server. [snip] This is turned on by default, but can be turned off in Windows 10 Update and Security Settings, Advanced Options.

Tool to hide or block Updates

How to temporarily prevent a Windows or driver update from reinstalling in Windows 10

Microsoft has already [August 5, 2015] released its first big Windows 10 update
How big is “big" ? -  The two update files weigh in at more than 1GB in size !

Just go to Control Panel to check whether you have the latest Windows Updates installed as soon as the Windows 10 installation is complete. You should be looking for these files: KB3074683 (X86) and KB3074683 (X64).

Download / Create ISO

Installing Windows 10 using the media creation tool

How to download and install Windows 10 right now
Install Win 10 With out waiting in queue

Windows 10 Bugs

Do Not SPY Win 10 Program and Info [Caveat Emptor !]
Stop Windows 10 Spying Dead in its tracks with one free app

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